Lab 2: Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to introduce us to the Arc Pro GIS software. Our class was instructed to follow along a step by step tutorial made ESRI. In this lab we learn the basics of the program such as creating and combining different layers of data, and creating a professional looking map layout. We also learned how to adjust the symbology of the different layers in order to represent the information in the most clear way possible. 
  • What makes data geospatial:
Geospatial Data can be defined as information regarding events, objects, or phenomena that can be located on the surface of the Earth. This also means that the records in a geospatial data set have information tied to them about about a geographic location. This is often in the form of coordinates, but information like addresses, cities, and zip codes are also used. The data we used in class in geospatial because it uses coordinate information in order to display cities, roads, regions, and deforestation.
  • The difference between a GIS and a digital map:
GIS stands for geographic information system. GIS are systems used to store, manipulate, and analyze geographic data. GIS are different from digital maps because a GIS can be manipulated in order to display multiple layers of information at once.  GIS is also different from a digital map because it is made using information pulled from a geospatial data-set. 
  • Why is having an understanding of geospatial concepts and Geo-spatial data so fundamental to working with UAS data. 
UAS are used in order to provide cameras and sensors with the proper view of the areas in which they are attempting to collect data. Without UAS it would be difficult to get a lot of these cameras and sensors in position to collect large amounts of useful information quickly. A lot of people have the capability to operate these UAV's, so being able to manipulate and use the data in a useful way can add a lot of value to one's skill set. 
  •    What are some of the key Geo-spatial concepts and fundamentals that this lab addresses?
Some of the key concepts addressed in this lab are geospatial data types, symbology, creating different layers of geospatial data, working geospatial databases, and creating a layout map.


Step 1: Find the Study Area
The first step in this tutorial was to open ArcGIS Pro and download the respective data that we would be working with. In this case we are working with data from Rondônia, a state in Brazil. File management is very important when working with GIS software, so it was necessary to create a folder for the project. The file type for this project is .aprx. The first data that we will add to this project is an ArcMap document or .mxd file. An ArcMap is where you display and explore GIS datasets for your study area. Once the ArcMap is imported the project should resemble figure 1. The "locate" tool is then used in order to search for the state of Rondônia. This tool could be useful in the future when working with UAS data because it may allow you to find geographic locations you are not very familiar with. 

                                                           Imported data from ArcMap document
(Figure 1)
Step 2: Organizing and Symbolizing Data:
"Symbology" is defined as the study or use of symbols. In the context of the ArcGIS Pro software symbology represents the way the data is displayed. For example when working with a layer of data representing states; one could change the color of the states, the color and thickness of the outlines, and the transparency of the layer. The first symbology change that was made was the adjustment of the base and outline color of the states. After the state symbology change the Rondônia.gdb data base is added to the project. Geographic data is best stored and managed in databases. Geodatabases are able to store and manage all necessary project data. The Rondônia.gdb database is then set as the default database. Figure 2 shows the expanded database.

Rondonia geodatabase
(Figure 2)

Step 3 Adding and Symbolizing the roads layer: 
The roads data from the database is dragged onto the map. Next, the "select layer by attributes" tool is used. This tool opens the geo-processing pane. Within this pane we create a condition for the roads layer. The condition determines whether or not the roads are official. Figure 3 shows the expression used for this step. 

Expression builder
(Figure 3)

Once the expression is ran the official roads should be highlighted in blue. Once the official roads feature is complete you can export it to create a new layer of data. The symbology of the official roads layer is then adjusted. The major roads layer is shown in gray in figure  4. 

Official roads
(Figure 4)

Step 4: Exploring deforestation: 
Since the areas of deforestation appear so close to the roads it can be hard to differentiate between the layers. The color properties of the deforestation data layer are changed in order to create more contrast. The deforestation layer is adjusted to be a neutral gray color, and then the layer is then made slightly transparent using the appearance tab. After these steps are taken the project should resemble figures 5 and 6. The symbology of the states has been adjusted to a nice green color, the pink circles are representative of cities, and although the roads layer is no longer visible the major roads are still shown. 

                                         Symbolized protected forests
(Figure 5)
(Figure 6)

Step 5: Finding Deforestation Near Existing Roads: 
A small area in the northwest corner of the region is selected and then the buffer analysis tool is used. The next step involves adjusting parameters in the geo-processing pane in order to run the tool. According to deforestation information previously collected; 95 percent of deforestation occurs within 5.5 kilometers of roads. This is used as the distance parameter for the buffer because little deforestation will occur outside this area. In order to determine the percentage of the buffer that is deforested you will need to create a layer for deforestation within the buffer. This layer is created using the clip tool. Figure 7 shows the new layer that is added to the map. 

                                        Clip of Deforested Area
(Figure 7)

Step 6: Calculating the Percentage of Deforested Areas near Roads:
In order to calculate the percentage of deforested areas you need to open the attribute table for the deforested area clip. Within this table a new field is created called "percent deforested". The data type for this field is set to "double". Within the roads buffer table you then calculate the percent deforested fieldTo find the percentage, you'll divide the area of the Deforested_Area_Clip layer by the area of the Roads_Buffer layer and multiply the result by 100. Once this value has been calculated it is used to predict the impact of a proposed road. 

Step 7: Predict the Impact of the Proposed Road:
Because the proposed road is not a part of the data set it is necessary to add an image of the proposed road to the map. This image is part of a raster data set within the Rondônia database. Figure 8 shows the raster data from the proposed road.

(Figure 8)
The raster data is used in order to create a new feature class in the form of a polygon. A spatial reference is necessary in order to accomplish this. The spatial reference used in this case is the South America Albers Equal Area Conic. Finally a trace tool is used in order to create a visual representation of the road. 

Step 8: Symbolizing and Adding Attribute Data to the Proposed Road :
The attribute table for the layer is opened and the status for the road is changed to "Proposed" the symbology of the road is also changed. The attribute changes can be seen in figure 9. 

                                       Added attribute data
(Figure 9)

Step 10: Finding the Potential Deforestation of the Road: 
The geoprocessing pane is used to create another buffer. The buffer type used was dissolve. The formula used to calculate the potential deforestation is as follows: (!Shape_Area! / 1000000) * (47.995989 / 100). The result of this is shown in figure 10. 

Potential deforestation value

(Figure 10)

Step 11: Finish and Print the Map:
The purpose of this step is to create a final and professional map layout. Minor adjustments are made to the existing image to make it more clear. A title, key, and snapshot of the region are added. The final product is shown below in figure 11.  

(Figure 11)


Arc Pro is considered a GIS software because it allows to input geospatial information from databases in order to create cohesive maps that can represent multiple layers of data at once. You could run into issues using this software with UAS data if you failed to collect the appropriate meta data or used the wrong projection system while trying to process the data. This information could be supplemented with UAS data if orthomosaics displaying the existing deforestation were layered over the deforested areas.